Sea of Thieves — 11 декабря начнется ивент «Festival of Giving»


Sea of Thieves — 11 декабря начнется ивент «Festival of Giving»

Sea of Thieves gets ‘Festival of Giving’ event, introductory mission for new players

Source: Microsoft

What you need to know

  • Sea of Thieves is an open-world pirate adventure from Rare.
  • The game just got a Festival of Giving event for December.
  • There’s also an introductory mission being added for new players.
  • Sea of Thieves is part of Xbox Game Pass.

Sea of Thieves is an open-world pirate game that launched in 2018. The title has received numerous updates since launch and has become quite a deep and rewarding experience. Today, it got the Festival of Giving update. The Festival of Giving not only brings new cosmetic items and missions, but it also adds a Maiden Voyage which is like a tutorial for the game for new players.

You can take a look at an excerpt from Xbox Wire below.

Available to all players for free from today, the Festival of Giving update brings with it a stocking full of festive treats. Speak to Stitcher Jim in any tavern to get started and earn valuable Doubloons for each lost gift you deliver safely to the Masked Stranger at The Reaper’s Hideout. Calendar of Giving, offering all players daily in-game incentives from December 13. For players who find Sea of Thieves in their stockings this year, the Festival of Giving brings with it the Maiden Voyage, a new introductory adventure that’s a must-play for every pirate. For those new to the game or in need of a refresher, it’s an ideal first experience and a safe place to hone your skills.

It’s great to see that the game is getting a lot of new content on a regular basis. We can’t wait to see where the adventure takes us in 2020 and beyond. Hopefully, there will be more single-player content that even solo players can enjoy.

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Make Your Presents Known in Festival of Giving

The latest free update sees pirates delivering gifts and getting an all-new intro to the game!

Bret ‘The Bretrayer’ Allen

Автор рекламных текстов

дата: 20 дек. 2019

Any pirate worth their bananas has played the latest Monthly Content Update for Sea of Thieves, entitled Festival of Giving. This update has been live since December 11th, and has brought various activities into the game to keep you all from going mad during the festive season. While it does include yet more gifts, we have at least wrapped these for you! More Ashen Tomes have also been released into the wild, while the Black Market and Pirate Emporium have refreshed their stock and offer yet more shiny goodies. And lording it over this update are three new Skeleton Lords, defending Forts and generally not feeling the holiday spirit. However, the gem at the heart of Festival of Giving is the new Maiden Voyage tutorial.

With the update now live and players sharing their experiences, thoughts and hilarious videos, it’s time for us to share a bit more about the process behind it. We’ve caught up with two members of the Sea of Thieves Design team (the ones we were able to lure into the old ‘box propped on a stick’ trap) and interrogated them with gusto on what players are getting in this free update.

Official Sea of Thieves Content Update: Festival of Giving

Let’s begin, appropriately, with the Maiden Voyage. This is a narrative-driven tutorial experience, separate from Adventure and Arena. New Sea of Thieves players will begin their experience inside this scenario, which provides some guidance and information to fledgling sailors. If you’re already a shark-bitten, weathered pirate veteran, you can still pop into the Maiden Voyage from the game’s main menu to experience the journey and even earn a bonus cosmetic!

Sea of Thieves’ newly promoted Lead Designer Andrew Preston (you may applaud at your screen) was a driving force behind the Maiden Voyage. Let’s hear a little from him about what prompted this move.

“With the Maiden Voyage, we wanted to improve our onboarding experience with the lofty aim of making players fall in love with Sea of Thieves! The idea was to teach players the fundamentals of the game whilst still allowing them to discover things for themselves. Players would wake up on an island outside the Sea of Thieves, gather their starting equipment, explore the island and its many secrets and then ultimately repair their ship and set sail.

“Up until this point we’ve been very hands-off in terms of teaching players how to play Sea of Thieves; at an early stage in development we became attached to the joy of players learning to sail the ship themselves and discover the world. This for some players is a magical experience, but on reflection this approach is not always suitable when trying to appeal to a wider audience! We wanted to take the time to build a more welcoming experience for new players that still leaves them with mechanics to discover for themselves, and hopefully gives them a fantastic first voyage in Sea of Thieves.”

The premise of the Maiden Voyage that Andrew and the team cooked up is simple: you’re stranded on an island just outside the infamous Devil’s Shroud that encircles the Sea of Thieves and hides it from the outside world. Here, you encounter the Pirate Lord himself, who gives you a little helping hand as you take your first steps on the path to Legend.

“We wanted to build the Maiden Voyage as if it were a Tall Tale; a lore-rich adventure with custom cutscenes, voiceovers and music. We considered having the Mysterious Stranger as a guide, but the Pirate Lord felt like the best character to introduce you to your journey into the game.

“We chose to set the experience outside of the Sea of Thieves for a number of reasons. Firstly, we wanted players to have a safe, uninterrupted onboarding experience, so they were free to learn the game’s mechanics without the risks of emergent features or other players. Secondly, we thought it would be a great cinematic experience for players to sail through the Devil’s Shroud as they try to reach the Sea of Thieves, passing the wrecks of pirates who have tried and failed before, whilst also hinting at the fantastical monsters that inhabit the world.

“From a design perspective, the challenges here were choosing what we’d teach the player and what we’d hold back for them to discover themselves. On a software level, it was about ensuring players can enjoy the Maiden Voyage on a server by themselves and go on to matchmake into a traditional Sea of Thieves Adventure server after completing the onboarding experience. The team worked very hard on the Maiden Voyage to give players the best introduction to Sea of Thieves as possible – we hope you enjoy it!”

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We’re happy to see that reports coming in from players on social media so far have been very positive. However, the game is not just about the first steps of your pirate journey, but also about the brand new content coming out each month! During Festival of Giving, the Black Market is in Stitcher Jim’s hands and thankfully, he seems to be taking his new duties as a Bilge Rat seriously. He’s even bringing new Voyages in response to a lost shipment of mysterious gifts washing up ashore, but he does have things a little skewed – he wants you to take them all to his beloved!

Still, the Masked Stranger does have a pretty pouch of Doubloons for all pirates who take gifts to her – and you can opt to leave your gifts at the foot of the decorated mast for other crews to hand in, earning Commendations for your kindness. Senior Designer Chris Davies admitted at flintlock-point that this was done on purpose, to be all nice and neighbourly:

“We wanted to put on a festive event that encouraged players to come together in a positive way, not competing over something this time. Offering a Commendation when another player cashes in a gift that you intentionally left for them seemed like a good way to encourage that. We set up a table under the festive mast at The Reaper’s Hideout to see if it would encourage that behaviour without giving direct instructions, and it seems to be paying off!

“As for what this event contributes to the ongoing lore of these monthly updates, it definitely moves things forward, but you’ll have to wait to find out exactly how. ”

You mean it’s not all sweetness and light? Not on your nautical nelly! This update also brings three new Skeleton Lords into play – the Duchess, the Mutinous Helmsman and the Two-Faced Scoundrel. This troublesome trio have begun defending Forts, making a raid a riskier proposition, but worth it for the Ashen Chests inside the vaults right now. It’s a great way to continue collecting the Ashen Tomes and grabbing exclusive Ashen cosmetics. There are five new Tomes of Power this month, with five accompanying cosmetics, and a sixth for finding the full set. The Tomes of Curses introduced last month are still out there to find too!

In the Black Market there are new Aristocrat, Mercenary and Stonewall Imperial Sovereign cosmetics among other items to help you express your play style, plus a new Archive section allowing players to pick up previous Black Market items that they may have missed. Let’s hear more from Chris:

“The arrival of the Black Market Archive is a pretty big deal. We always assured players we’d rotate Black Market variant cosmetics back in again if they missed them the first time. What we originally planned to do was just have a selection of items back in stock every month, but we felt it was unfair to keep putting that extra time pressure on players alongside all the other things going on in-game. So we adjusted the plan to ensure the Archive now stocks everything. However, stock in the Black Market Archive sells at the full gold or Doubloon price, so there’s still a reason to grab shiny new stock at the initial discount when it first arrives!”

That’s the lowdown on this month’s update – from the Maiden Voyage to an expanded Black Market. In keeping with the season of giving, we’ve also added a little extra present for all pirates in the form of the Calendar of Giving! If you haven’t seen it yet, visit the special Calendar of Giving page on the site, or the What’s New section of the game’s main menu. Each day from December 13th-24th, we’re dishing out bonus Voyages, reputation boosts and even a couple of cosmetics for free! Just log in to the game to get the daily reward. In the words of Chris himself:

“We tried to put more thought into the Calendar of Giving than just dropping random gifts so that players would log in and straight back out. The idea was to use that incentive to drive activity, e.g. matching gifts of special Voyages to the daily rep boosts or cosmetics (e.g. a Hunter’s Call Voyage alongside the Obsidian Fishing Rod). That gives each day’s gifts more impact and fuels different types of gameplay, which hopefully players end up finding more worthwhile.”

Thanks Chris! So enjoy your daily boosts and all the fun wrapped up in Festival of Giving, which is free to download for anyone who owns Sea of Thieves or plays via Xbox Game Pass. Take part in Gift Seeker Voyages, battle new Skeleton Lords or enjoy the immersive new Maiden Voyage tutorial right now, while we prepare January’s Monthly Content Update with yet more activities and rewards! Have a fantastic holiday and we’ll see you then.

Sea of Thieves — 11 декабря начнется ивент «Festival of Giving»

Узнайте, какие инструменты ВКонтакте помогут сохранить привычный ритм жизни, когда нужно оставаться дома.Посмотреть

Sea of Thieves


Описание: Sea of Thieves – многопользовательская игра с видом от первого лица, посвященная пиратам. Выйдет 20 марта на Xbox One и Windows 10 в 2018 году.

Наслаждайся пиратской вольницей в приключенческой игре Sea of Thieves с отрытым миром, полной неведомых опасностей и ценной добычи. Вместе с друзьями станьте такими пиратами, какими хотите, и делите перипетии приключений в мире, где каждый парус на горизонте — это новая команда игроков с неизвестными намерениями



Не ограничивайте себя во время самоизоляции!

Узнайте, какие инструменты ВКонтакте помогут сохранить привычный ритм жизни, когда нужно оставаться дома.Посмотреть

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Новость для тех кто хочет взять пробный период GamePass.

В сети прошел слух, что 15 марта магазин Microsoft окончательно переедет на доллары, после чего возобновят возможность покупки подписок Live и GamePass.

C 14:00 пятницы до 14:00 понедельника по московскому времени в Sea of Thieves пройдут выходные Золота и Славы, во время которых количество получаемого золота и уровней торговых компаний будут щедро увеличены!

Так же 20 марта станут известны подробности касательно будущего Мега Обновления, а пираты, ставшие Легендами до этой даты, получат особые награды.

Sea of Thieves: Festival of Giving Guide

Duke! Where are you?! We miss you!

The Bilge Rats’ poster child, Duke, is still missing from his station at your local Sea of Thieves outpost. Why could Duke still be missing?

Perhaps he is struggling to locate Larinna? The Bilge Rats happen to be less structured than the other Trading Companies. So, finding Larinna could prove difficult. I suppose we will just keeping waiting for you, Duke.

In the meantime, Stitcher Jim continues to uphold his duty in Duke’s absence. As such, you will be interacting with Stitcher Jim to purchase the latest Mercenary Voyages and cosmetics from the Black Market.

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Holiday Spirit in the Sea of Thieves: The Festival of Giving

While we are sad that Duke still hasn’t returned, it’s hard to be down in the dumps for long when each outpost has been decked in festive decorations!

Wreaths and garlands cover the outposts, celebrating the Festival of Giving!

There are also gifts throughout the seas for finding and—yes—giving!

What are these Gifts?

There are Humble Gifts and Generous Gifts. As the names suggests, Humble Gifts are worth less and are more common; Generous Gifts are more expensive and less common.

Where did these Gifts come from?

It seems that a shipment of festive gifts drifted through the Shroud to the Sea of Thieves. Ah, but it seems their vessel sunk! Consequently, the gifts have been lost—scattered across the sea.

Where are these Festival Gifts now?

Skeleton Forts. Apparently Skeleton Crews have already recovered the scattered gifts and have started hoarding them on these Skeleton Forts for protection.

Aye, some gifts can be found in Fort Vaults. More on this below…

However, there are quicker ways to gather your gifts than battling an entire Skeleton Fort.

Stitcher Jim knows where the skeletons have hidden gifts outside of the fort vaults, and he has his own reasons for wanting us to retrieve them.

Pirates Ye Be Warned: Skeleton Forts are now a Riskier Destination

With Skeleton Forts as the destination for finding these Festival Gifts, these Gift Seeker Voyages pose greater risk you might initially think.

A new Skeleton Cloud haunts the skies, portending a more treacherous battle with a more tempting reward! Aye, if you see a crimson Skeleton Cloud glowing on the horizon, it marks the awakening of a new Skeleton Fort:

Since your x-marks-the-spot quests taking you only to Skeleton Forts, there is a chance that you acquire a map that leads to an active Ashen Skeleton Fort!

Before you sail for a fort awash in that crimson glow, you might want to know a bit more about these Ashen Skeleton Forts: How to get an Ashen Tome of Power? The Sea of Thieves Ashen Treasures Guide.

How to Find Gifts for The Festival of Giving

Gift Seeker Voyages

Stitcher Jim is selling a brand new type of Mercenary Voyage: Gift Seeker Voyages.

These voyages will consist of two chapters. Each chapter will have one quest each: an x-marks-the-spot map. As we mentioned above, the island shown on this map will always be a Skeleton Fort.

Head to the fort on your quest map and dig where directed. Each X will uncover a gift—either a Humble Gift or a Generous Gift.

Although there is always a chance that your shovel will unearth a Generous Gift, during this Gift Seeker Voyage you will mainly be digging up Humble Gifts.

Regardless, a gift is a gift, and we want to shower the Masked Stranger with as many as we can for Stitcher Jim!

A New Foe: The Mutinous Helmsman

At first glance, this voyage might appear to be a couple of simple x-marks-the-spot quests. Pirates, ye be warned! A new threat guards these gifts!

During the second chapter of this voyage, one of the gifts you dig up will awaken this guard: A Skeleton Lord named The Mutinous Helmsman.

The Mutinous Helmsman can switch between his mighty blunderbuss and deadly sword at will. So, you will need to be on your toes at close or long range!

At either distance, a fistful of Firebombs will surely help you take down this boss.

This slippery villain can also teleport—disappearing just when you’ve got him on the ropes, and reappearing just out of reach.

Nevertheless, there are two reasons you might still want to slash him to bits!

First, ridding yourselves of the Mutinous Helmsman will make it much easier to get the gifts back on your ship.

Second, once the Skeleton Lord is defeated, he will drop Skeleton Orders for you to pick up. This is an extra x-marks-the-spot quest, and it is on the very same fort! No sailing required.

Even better, when you dig on that “X” you should find a Generous Gift!

Gift Seeker of Legend Voyage

The Legendary take on the Gift Seeker Voyage will also consist of two chapters with one quest each. These quests will also be x-marks-the-spot maps. Alas, these maps will also have you going to Skeleton Forts to retrieve the lost gifts.

So what makes the Gift Seeker of Legend Voyage so special?

The Gift Seeker of Legend Voyage Rewards with Better Loot

You are guaranteed high-value gifts during this voyage. You might come across a Humble Gift here and there, but you will mainly be digging up Generous Gifts!

The Gift Seeker of Legend Voyage Tests your Mettle!

With better loot up for grabs means greater danger. While the Gift Seeker Voyage had you facing off against The Mutinous Helmsman, this voyage will have you going toe-to-toe with two Skeleton Lords.

Even better—or perhaps even worse—each of these Skeleton Lords is a more formidable foe than The Mutinous Helmsman.

If you embark upon the Gift Seeker of Legend Voyage, prepare to fight The Two-Faced Scoundrel and The Duchess! These two mighty Skeleton Lords will be guarding those coveted Generous Gifts.

Like The Mutinous Helmsman, these The Two-Faced Scoundrel and The Duchess can both teleport—disappearing and reappearing at will.

Ah, but look sharp! You will also need to counter their additional special Skeleton Lord moves…

Similar to the Gift Seeker Voyage, upon killing each Skeleton Lord they will drop Skeleton Orders with an x-marks-the-spot quest for that very fort. This will allow you to dig up two additional Generous Gifts!

As with any voyage, once it is completed, you must still turn in your loot.

If your voyage has been relatively uneventful until now, it is likely to become quite eventful as you attempt to deliver your newly acquired gifts.

Where do you turn in these Festival Gifts?

You will not be selling these gifts at an outpost. Instead, you will need to sail for the Uncharted Island East of Wanderer’s Refuge.

A New Island in the Sea of Thieves!

Blimey! This island is no longer uncharted! Scroll to I-12 on your map, and you will see…

This island is poised to celebrate its new “charted” status with quite a ruckus! Because The Reaper’s Hideout is the only location to turn in the gifts, you can bet it will be a highly contested area.

If you hope to successfully deliver your gifts, you will likely need to approach clandestinely or fill your hull to the brim with firebombs and cursed cannonballs!

To Whom do we Give these Festival Gifts?

When you arrive on The Reaper’s Hideout, you will need to decide to whom you would like to give your gifts. You have two options.

The Masked Stranger

Ah! So, this is why Stitcher Jim was so keen for us to retrieve these gifts.

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Stitcher Jim is asking that all pirates give the recovered gifts to his beloved—the Masked Stranger—as a tribute of his love for her!

It seems the Masked Stranger has decked the island in jubilant holiday décor well-befitting a pirate! You will find her standing under a—shall we say—nautical-themed makeshift Christmas tree.

Fellow Pirates!

Ah, blimey. Ye be me best mates!

Pirates aren’t always such a hardened lot. If you’ve listened to your fair share of shanties, you’ll know we pirates can be a bunch of blubbering softies! We are also quick to band together if we share a common cause.

Well, me hearties, this is one such instance in which helping your fellow pirate will actually help you! If another crew turns in your gift, you get rewarded!

So, find a crew and shower them with gifts!

Don’t see any crews around? Behind the Masked Stranger, you will notice a decorative table. This is a convenient place to drop off any extra gifts you might have.

You can also turn in any gifts you find there. It could help a kindred crew. Plus, it’s easy doubloons for you!

Logging off or switching servers will prevent you from earning progress towards your Charitable Giving commendations.


The commendations for the Gift Seeker Voyages are fairly straight forward.

You unlock commendations for delivering Humble and Generous Gifts, having other crews turn in your dug up gifts, completing a Gift Seeker Voyage in each region, and completing a Gift Seeker of Legend Voyage.

Humble Giving – Deliver a Humble Gift. (5 doubloons)

Humble Giving for Many – Deliver 25 Humble Gifts. (10 doubloons)

Humble Giving for All – Deliver 50 Humble Gifts. (15 doubloons)

Generous Giving – Deliver a Generous Gift. (10 doubloons)

Generous Giving for Many – Deliver 25 Generous Gifts. (20 doubloons)

Generous Giving for All – Deliver 50 Generous Gifts. (30 doubloons)

Charitable Giving – Give a Humble Gift to another crew and have it delivered. (5 doubloons)

Charitable Giving for Many – Give 15 Humble Gifts to other crews and have them delivered. (10 doubloons)

Charitable Giving for All – Give 30 Humble Gifts to other crews and have them delivered. (15 doubloons)

Bountiful Giving – Give a Generous Gift to another crew and have it delivered. (10 doubloons)

Bountiful Giving for Many – Give 15 Generous Gifts to other crews and have them delivered. (20 doubloons)

Bountiful Giving for All – Give 30 Generous Gifts to other crews and have them delivered. (30 doubloons)

Gift Seeker of The Shores of Plenty – Complete the Gift Seeker of The Shores of Plenty Voyage. (5 doubloons)

Gift Seeker of The Wilds – Complete the Gift Seeker of The Wilds Voyage. (5 doubloons)

Gift Seeker of The Ancient Isles – Complete the Gift Seeker of The Ancient Isles Voyage. (5 doubloons)

Gift Seeker of the Sea of Thieves – Complete the Legendary Gift Seeker of the Sea of Thieves Voyage. (15 doubloons)

Dedicated Gift Seeker – Complete a Gift Seeker Voyage in each of the three main regions. (25 doubloons)

Sea of Thieves

elexx 27.11.2019

Всем пиратам Хой (а Хой как известно ЖИВ!)

Есть возможность БЕСПЛАТНО получить на халяву эксклюзивный корабль, и что не мало важно донатную мартышку (точнее капуцина) и три эмоции

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предложение ограничено по времени!

elexx 27.11.2019

Что бы как то успокоить сонибоев , что у них нету SoT, sony выпустила вот такой кастомный пад

elexx 09.12.2019

elexx 11.12.2019

сегодня новая обнова! Festival of Giving!

mrmlndm 12.12.2019

elexx 12.12.2019

новый ивент с игровыми ачивками, косметика, донатная косметика и шмот для петов к праздникам . поправили баланс фехтования на саблях : убрали задержку после промаха, убрали оглушения после полученного удара, так же можно лучше уклониться от удара.

mrmlndm 13.12.2019

новый ивент с игровыми ачивками, косметика, донатная косметика и шмот для петов к праздникам . поправили баланс фехтования на саблях : убрали задержку после промаха, убрали оглушения после полученного удара, так же можно лучше уклониться от удара.

Nizagram 13.12.2019

поправили баланс фехтования на саблях : убрали задержку после промаха, убрали оглушения после полученного удара, так же можно лучше уклониться от удара.

По-моему это должно называться патч, а не обновление. А в обновлении не добавили ничего, кроме нового дроча на ачивки. Ну еще форты изменили, там теперь больше боссов.

elexx 14.12.2019

На страничке SoT
https://www.seaofthi. endar-of-giving
Есть интерактивный календарь с 13 по 24 декабря,где каждый день открывается один листик-число и там какой-то подарок от разрабов, сегодня (14.12) там двойной заработок дублонов и бесплатный флаг наёмников!

Nizagram, ну я по старинке всё называю обновой.
Кстати добавили же новое начало игры для новичков, где не как раньше “вот тебе банан- его едят, вот тебе корабль – он плавает”. Теперь сюжетно легендарный пират тебя знакомит с миром SoT , что я считаю очень не хватало с самого начала.

Nizagram 15.12.2019

Nizagram, ну я по старинке всё называю обновой.
Кстати добавили же новое начало игры для новичков, где не как раньше “вот тебе банан- его едят, вот тебе корабль – он плавает”. Теперь сюжетно легендарный пират тебя знакомит с миром SoT , что я считаю очень не хватало с самого начала.

Это не к тебе претензия, а к ним) За обучение им большой респект, правда, о том, что делать в игре, она по прежнему не рассказывает

Nizagram 19.12.2019

Да что вы знаете о троллинге?) Этот тип затроллил меня конкретно, а ведь это был последний рейс перед легендой)) В самом начале видео он мелькнул на корабле и я его заметил, но ОЧЕНЬ долго искал)) Пока не стемнело, и не пришлось взять фонарь) К слову сказать, это его вторая диверсия. В первый раз он залез ко мне еще на форпосте и заныкался на мачте. Но я его убил, и как он попал ко мне второй раз, остается догадываться) Вобщем, повеселил он меня своей нычкой))

elexx 19.12.2019

вот такая забавная статистика )))

Изменено elexx: 19.12.2019 – 15:51

Nizagram 19.12.2019

вот такая забавная статистика )))

Классно) Только как у меня любимая фракция может быть торговая компания, если я за всю игру по ее заданиям почти не ездил) Только под конец уровня полтора добивал заданиями, ну и вначале чуть чуть)

Nizagram 19.12.2019

Хрен его знает, как тут картинку выложить

spice 19.12.2019

Блин, как кайфово игра выглядит на ONe X. Можно в море, в волны залипнуть просто.

elexx, ты уже стал Легендарным пиратом?

mrmlndm 20.12.2019

вот такая забавная статистика )))

Сколько у тебя часов наиграно?

elexx 20.12.2019

Сколько у тебя часов наиграно?

нет такой статистики, играю ещё с бетатеста, офиц.игру с релиза. на форуме как пишут зареган 3 года, точнее 963 дня.

Блин, как кайфово игра выглядит на ONe X. Можно в море, в волны залипнуть просто.

elexx, ты уже стал Легендарным пиратом?

Море это да – супер! Легендой стал перед прошлым Новым Годом.

Легендой стал перед прошлым Новым Годом 18 декабря теперь отмечаю как День Рождения

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