Final Fantasy XIV патч 5.1 переделывает крафт и приносит первый рейд альянса NieR


Final Fantasy XIV патч 5.1 переделывает крафт и приносит первый рейд альянса NieR

Трейлер коллаборации Final Fantasy XIV с Nier: Automata и много новых подробностей патча 5.1

Square Enix опубликовала дебютный трейлер альянс-рейда YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse в MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, посвященный популярному слэшеру NieR: Automata. Видео дает представление о многих новых приключениях и областях, которые ждут игроков в первом крупном обновлении патча после выхода третьего расширения Shadowbringers.

В дополнение к этому, продюсер и режиссер Наоки Йошида (Naoki Yoshida) во время прямой трансляции представил новые подробности контента в патче 5.1:

  • Задания нового главного сценария — Следующая глава в главной сюжетной линии Shadowbringers.
  • Новый альянс-рейд на 24 игрока: “The Copied Factory” — создан при участии Yosuke Saito и YOKO TARO. Игроки будут сражаться против жизненных форм машин, исследуя новое рейдовое подземелье, вдохновленное миром NieR.
  • Новая игра+ — Возможность вернуться к выполненным ранее квестам, кат-сценам, диалогам и боям, сохраняя уровень вашего персонажа. Патч 5.1 включает в себя основные сценарии квестов для Heavensward, Stormblood и Shadowbringers.
  • Новое испытание: Hades (Extreme) — Игроки могут поучаствовать в битве с этим страшным врагом в очень тяжелой битве.
  • Новое Подземелье: “The Grand Cosmos” – Игроки могут исследовать этот великий дворец, построенный эльфами вместе с другими искателями приключений, или создать группу из NPC, используя систему доверия (Trust).
  • Квест на новое звериное племя — Отправляйтесь в фантастический Сад Мечты (Garden of Dreams), Lyhe Mheg — новый район с новой линией квестов с большим количеством любящих шалости феями ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
  • Новая PvP-карта: “Onsal Hakair” (Патч 5.15) — Великие Компании (Grand Companies) объединят силы с племенами Азимской степи (Azim Steppe), чтобы продемонстрировать свое боевое мастерство в этом соревновании по контролю территории.
  • Настройка профессий — Задания ниндзя, самурая и призывателя получат комплексную кастомизацию их текущего стиля игры, в то время как другие задания получат различные изменения и доработки.
  • Переработка крафта и собирательства — Различные изменения в действиях, устранение дополнительных действий, улучшение пользовательского интерфейса и многое другое повысят опыт сбора и изготовления как для новичков, так и для ветеранов.
  • Новый Gold Saucer GATE “The Slice is Right” — Yojimbo дебютирует в Gold Saucer в этой новой мини-игре, которая проверит рефлексы игроков и просто удачу.
  • В патче 5.1 также будет представлена система сообщества “Fellowship“, обновленная информация об эффективности, системные обновления и многое другое.

Выход обновления 5.1 для Final Fantasy XIV состоится 29 октября 2019 года. Спустя некоторое время после этого разработчики выпустят патч 5.11, который добавит рейд последней Ultimate сложности «The Epic of Alexander», который заставит попотеть даже самых опытных игроков.

Final Fantasy XIV патч 5.1 переделывает крафт и приносит первый рейд альянса NieR

Final Fantasy XIV патч 5.1 переделывает крафт и приносит первый рейд альянса NieR

Огромное расширение Final Fantasy XIV Online, Shadowbringers, содержит еще одну жирную главу, в которую входят квесты-сценарии, рейд в альянс, функция New Game + и другой блестящий новый контент, который можно застрять сегодня. Путь 5.1: обеты добродетели, Deeds of Cruelty – это первое серьезное обновление MMO-игры Square Enix с тех пор, как Shadowbringers были запущены этим летом, и еще больше в рамках серии 5.1x в ближайшие недели. Объявленный в пресс-релизе сегодня, Патч 5.1 добавляет, в дополнение к следующей главе в основной сюжетной кампании игры, рейд альянса из 24 игроков под названием «Скопированная фабрика». Это первая часть Final Fantasy XIV YoRHA: Dark Апокалипсис рейд, который связывает во вселенной Nier. В рейде с участием приглашенных создателей Йосуке Сайто и Йоко Таро вы познакомитесь с совершенно новым рейдовым подземельем, «вдохновленным» миром хакерских и хлестких ролевых игр, и по пути приобретете некоторые «формы жизни машины».

Обновление также включает в себя отличную новую функцию под названием «Новая игра +», которая позволяет вам вернуться к любимым моментам в игре до сих пор, не теряя своего персонажа или текущий уровень. Есть ли у вас выполненные квесты, битвы, ролики или даже диалоги, которые вы хотели бы сделать или увидеть снова? Патч 5.1 позволит вам вернуться в прошлое и включает в себя основные сценарии квестов из прошедших дней Небесного Смерти, Буревестника и Сумеречных носителей. Патч 5.1 также приносит новое испытание против старого врага – «Hades (Extreme)» – а также подземелье «Grand Cosmos», установленное в эльфийском дворце, и новые побочные квесты Beast Tribe, основанные в чудесном Саду пикси Мечтает, Лихе Мхег, чтобы ты впился зубами.

Задания Ninja, Samurai и Summoner также претерпевают некоторые «всесторонние» корректировки, в то время как другие задания получают более незначительные изменения. Плюс к этому, создание и сборка немного доработана: патч вносит некоторые коррективы в действия и улучшения пользовательского интерфейса, а также удаляет дополнительные действия. Если этого недостаточно, патч также добавляет новую мини-игру с воротами Золотого Блюдца под названием «Правильный срез», систему сообщества «Fellowship», а также другие обновления системы – и многое другое.

На подходе в серии 5.1x новый контент для создателей и собирателей под названием «Ishgard Restoration», который заставит игроков работать вместе, чтобы «вернуть небосводу его былую славу», рейд на высшую сложность, «Epic of Alexander» (оба в патче 5.11), плюс новая передовая карта PvP, «Онсал Хакаир (Даншиг Наадам)» и обновления для Blue Mage, которые будут следовать в патче 5.15. Если вы хотите увидеть больше, загляните на Патч 5.1 Примечания на сайте патчей Final Fantasy Shadowbringers 5.1, чтобы получить исчерпывающую информацию о том, что приносит Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty.

Final Fantasy XIV, патч 5.3, возобновляет сотрудничество с Nier

Событие кроссовера возвращается с Nier, но не только

Final Fantasy XIV возвращается, чтобы дождаться вселенной Nier благодаря патчу 5.3. Что мы можем ожидать от этого нового сотрудничества?

Размышления в Кристалле “это название нового обновления, продолжает сюжет расширения Shadowbringers и представляет следующую главу серии рейдов альянса YoRHa: Темный Апокалипсис.

В ближайшие #FFXIV Патч 5.3 .

ЙОРХА: Темный Апокалипсис Глава 02

Кукольный Бункер


В дополнение к оптимизации игры, чтобы обеспечить более интуитивно понятный опыт для новых игроков, новое обновление включает в себя:

  • Новые миссии для главной истории: занавес поднимается на заключительный акт главной истории Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers;
  • Обновление к основной истории A Realm Reborn: Основная история A Realm Reborn будет обновлена, чтобы предложить новым игрокам оптимизированный опыт по мере продвижения к Небесному мечу и за его пределами. Кроме того, игроки смогут летать в районы Возрожденного Царства после выполнения миссии «Оружие Ультимы»;
  • Новый рейд альянса YoRHa: Темный Апокалипсиспосле «Копируемой фабрики» этот новый рейд альянсов под названием «Бункер марионеток», вдохновленный NieR, продолжит разгадывать тайны биомашин Первого;
  • Новое подземелье The Heroes ‘Gauntlet: игроки смогут встретиться с ним вместе со своими приключенческими друзьями или командой NPC, использующих систему Trust;
  • Новая пробная версия: группы из восьми игроков смогут столкнуться с этим новым и захватывающим испытательным сражением в обычных или экстремальных сложностях;
  • Обновления миссий Save the Queen: Игроки смогут улучшать оружие, полученное в первой главе этой серии миссий, когда они исследуют новую область. Кроме того, новые масштабные сражения будут добавлены как часть обновления;
  • Новые Хроники Миссии Новой Эры: Sorrow of Welt: как часть серии Ruby Weapon, игроки могут развлечься повествовательным опытом, который завершится в специальной битве;

  • Обновления Восстановления Ишгарда: третий этап реставрации начинается благодаря усилиям Skybuilders. Рейтинг Skybuilder возвращается с новыми объектами, которые будут созданы, и новыми целями для тех, кто вносит больший вклад в Восстановление;
  • Новые миссии Beast Tribe: новая серия миссий для ремесленников с гномами;
  • Новые обновления Новой Игры +: Игроки теперь смогут заново открыть обновленную основную историю A Realm Reborn и других миссий с текущим персонажем и уровнем;
  • Новый контент сражений Unreal Trials: Игроки смогут бросить вызов прималам, усиленным предыдущими расширениями, которые готовы сражаться с героями уровня 80. Победив примала каждую неделю, игроки получат возможность завершить новую мини-игру, а тот, кто победит, получит жетоны, чтобы потратить их взамен. призов;
  • Обновления для ремесленников и собирателей: среди различных новинок для мастеров и собирателей мы находим новые персонализированные поставки, обновления для Дома Великолепия Ровены и обновление для серии миссий Инструментов Skysteel;
  • Изменения в профессиях для PvE и PvP, обновления системы и многое другое.

Как видите, в этом обновлении есть много нововведений. Как вы думаете, вы играете в Final Fantasy XIV или не интересуетесь этой MMORPG? Дайте нам знать с комментарием!

Everything We Know About the FF14 5.1 Patch – NieR Raid & More

YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse isn’t all that’s coming in the big Shadowbringers patch!

Patch 5.1 for FF14: Shadowbringers is probably the most anticipated new addition to the latest Final Fantasy expansion. Dubbed “Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty,” it looks quite a lot like other story updates to previous FF14 expansion. We can expect new quests and features — including New Game Plus and Fellowships. But if you’re like us, you’re probably mostly here for one thing. You want to know about the FF14 and NieR: Automata raid crossover coming in patch 5.1. It looks like a doozy, which is why we’re here to help elucidate everything we can for you! Let’s take a look at everything we know so far.

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Before you check that out, though, we now have a trailer for patch 5.1 that we can share! Just be warned: There are definite spoilers for those that haven’t beaten Shadowbringers yet. If you’re cool with that, and want to hear some amazing music, just click the video below!

UPDATE: We’ve included more information based on the updated teaser site for FF14 Patch 5.1 — mostly featuring information about follow-up patches 5.11 and 5.15.

New Main Scenario Quests – FF14 5.1 Patch

We know next to nothing about what’s coming in the next batch of story for Shadowbringers. Odds are that it will be a bit of a comedown period, what with the emotional roller coaster at the end of 5.0. Hades has been dispatched and the Eighth Umbral Calamity has been, if not canceled, then at least postponed. But bad guys are still hatching plans at the Source (the world where most of the FF14 story takes place).

“Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty” seems more concerned about the First (the planet where Shadowbringers is set), however. The Scions and our own playable protagonist seem set on fixing the nearly post-apocalyptic world. The world’s governments are in a bit of a shambles, after all, and there’s a big class divide that needs mending. Shadowbringers set a lot of radical changes in motion (that I won’t spoil here). And the itty bitty screenshots we have to go on hint at more to come.

New Game Plus – FF14 5.1 Patch

New Game Plus in FF14 is a bit of an odd duck. Most players (especially new ones) would probably prefer fewer early quests to play through, in order to catch up with their friends. But this is still a nice nostalgia play! New Game Plus will allow you to redo old missions and in-game cutscenes not shown in The Unending Journey. That is to say, single-player instances and such will be available to experience all over again with your current levels and gear. It doesn’t seem like there are any special rewards for it, though.

It also only applies to the Main Scenario Quests found in the FF14 expansions. You cannot redo Job quests! That’s a bit of a letdown, since level boosts let you leap frog to higher end content, but also skip those missions. What might seem even stranger is that you cannot use New Game Plus on FF14 2.0 (A Realm Reborn) missions. That’s likely because Square Enix is remixing those old quests to be less of a grind, so that new players can reach what is largely agreed to be “the good stuff” faster.

The reworked A Realm Reborn quests are currently planned for patch 5.3.

New Dungeon “The Grand Cosmos” & Armor – FF14 5.1 Patch

Patch 5.1 will include one new normal dungeon for players to peruse. Although its description is just a bit curious… The special site for FF14 5.1 seems to imply that the dungeon, The Grand Cosmos, is located in the Source. Yet its lore description mentions The Flood — an event that only occurred in the First. For all you lore lovers out there, this might spark quite a few theories. Or maybe it’s just a typo…

As commenter Marie Aetherias points out, “The Source” likely refers to the zone in Lakeland, rather than the universe in which FF14 is mostly set. That checks out! The screenshots we’ve seen of The Grand Cosmos definitely have similarly lavender colored foliage as Lakeland proper.

Either way, The Grand Cosmos looks to be set in a magic mansion full of new armor sets just waiting to get looted. Said armor has a very bestial, werewolf-like design to it. And it looks quite snazzy! The only issue is that the preview image doesn’t show either of the new races in FF14 — Viera or Hrothgar — suited up. That’s led to some speculation that it might not be visible on those characters (due to their very unique head shapes). My money is on those designs just not being ready for the promotional screenshot, however.

Fellowships – FF14 5.1 Patch

Fellowships sound like a mix between Free Companies (guilds), the Party Finder, and Linkshells (private chat channels). Each player can join up to 10 Fellowships, and each Fellowship can house up to 1000 players total. The idea is that each group will let players set loose goals — like grinding levels or farming Extreme Trials. Then you can chat and party up with one another. The main difference between Fellowships and Free Companies, meanwhile, is that the former is open to anyone on the same Data Center. That way you don’t have to be on the same server to group up and chat.

NieR: Automata Raid – FF14 5.1 Patch

The next Alliance Raid, YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse, is a crossover with NieR: Automata. And FF14 5.1 brings the first leg of this 24-player group activity in the form of The Copied Factory. It’s a pretty obvious homage to The Copied City zone from NieR itself. Not to mention a character, 2P, that looks very much like 2B with an inverted color scheme is visible in all the promotional art. There are at least two more major characters yet to be shown.

Here’s what the Lodestone has to say about 2P:

“An android in white, awakened within the excavation tunnels near Komra. Her knowledge of the ruins and their machine lifeforms could be an invaluable asset…”

This won’t be the first time FF14 has canonically crossed over with other Square Enix games. Gilgamesh from FF5, Noctis from FF15, and characters from Ivalice games (Final Fantasy Tactics and FF12) have all graced the MMO before. Granted, all those games were all set in the same loosely related franchise. This marks the first time such a major part of the story has reached beyond the bounds of other Final Fantasy games.

More FF14 & Shadowbringers:

It all kicks off when some Dwarves of the First discover ancient ruins beneath the Duergar Mountains. This appears to unleash the machines — which look pretty much exactly like the ones you know from NieR — along with 2P.

Are the two worlds canonically connected? It’s tough to say, just yet. FF14 plays around a lot with parallel universes. And there are some pretty obvious visual similarities between The Copied City, in NieR: Automata, and the Mt. Gulg dungeon in Shadowbringers. But the Return to Ivalice raid in Stormblood — while it used characters ostensibly from FF12 and Tactics — was clearly more of an “alternate” version of events than a direct tie.

At the very least, NieR: Automata developers Yosuke Saito and Yoko Taro are working on the NieR raid. And whether it “counts” or not is really up to you, more than some corporate fact sheet! Just write some fan fiction.

Minor Changes – FF14 5.1 Patch

That’s not all, though! Here are some promised changes and additions coming to FF14 5.1 that don’t have enough info for their own sections:

  • New Extreme Trial (The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hades’s Elegy, based on The Dying Gasp)
  • More Housing (Wards 19-21 will open to Free Companies and players willing to relocate)
  • Cooperative in-game music playing (plus Performance Assistance to help you play songs)
  • New Gold Saucer activity (featuring Yojimbo)
  • Job balance changes
  • Pixie Beast Tribe quests
  • New Custom Deliveries (weekly crafting quests that award Gil and Scrip)
  • New Mounts, minions, hairstyles, and emotes
  • Extra PVP gear (clearly for all races this time — you can see Viera and Hrothgar in the image below)
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Ishgard Restoration – FF14 5.11 Patch

For those not in the know, this is a feature many years in the making, and will task non-combat FF14 Jobs with coming together to rebuild the Firmament in Ishgard. There’s just one problem. We’re going to have to wait a little longer for Restoration of the Holy See of Ishgard (more commonly known as Ishgard Restoration). Again… It seems Ishgard Restoration will, in fact, launch with FF14 patch 5.11. If all goes smoothly, that will land about two weeks after patch 5.1 itself.

So far we know it will be endgame content for Disciples of the Hand and Land (crafters and gatherers). It seems like it will be a server-wide affair, too. The event will also coincide with adjustments and improvements to non-combat classes. That’s nice to see!

Patch 5.1 and, later, patch 5.2 will “include various adjustments to actions, the removal of additional actions, improvements to the UI, and much more.” Square Enix also promises “There have also been adjustments to quick synthesis, desynthesis, and a new quick gathering option has been added.” Hopefully the extra couple weeks wait for patch 5.11 will give players time to adjust to these changes before stepping into endgame crafting and gathering. At the very least, it will give you time to finally grind your Jobs up that high like you’ve been telling yourself you’ll do for years. Right? Right…?

The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate) – FF14 5.11 Patch

Ultimate Raids are unique in FF14. They basically offer no progression loot at all. Instead, they’re high-end challenges meant for the most hardcore of hardcore players. They’re also not just complete rehashes of Normal and Savage raids. They’re more like gauntlets of boss battles — remixes forcing you to stay on your toes without a break in between.

The Epic of Alexander is, of course, based on the Alexander Raid from Heavensward. And it likely won’t be of interest to the vast majority of FF14 players. If you’re into that sort of thing, though, you’ve got something to look forward to… sometime down the line. This one is coming in Patch 5.11.

FF14 5.15 Patch Details

Even further down the line, we have Patch 5.15 coming to FF14. Obviously this one will take a bit longer to arrive. It’s weeks after the NieR Raid and such that we’ll even see Patch 5.11! That means you should expect more changes to be announced sometime closer to this update. However, for the time being, we know a couple things about the later changes. Let’s take a look!

  • Blue Mage changes (increased level cap, new Job quests, and challenges)
  • Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam) – A new Frontline for PVP set in the Azim Steppe

The FF14 5.1 patch is scheduled to arrive on Oct. 29, 2019. Square Enix originally only specified that the update was coming in “late October,” but these things usually land on Tuesdays — about a week and a half after the previous FF14 “live letter” from the devs. The most recent live letter, on Oct. 18, 2019, confirmed that it will arrive on the last Tuesday of the month. Until then, take care!

How to survive the brutal FFXIV Nier raid

By Jamie Nightingale 04 November 2019

Master The Copied Factory with this walkthrough.

FFXIV’s The Copied Factory is the new 24-player Alliance Raid that comes as part of patch 5.1. This endgame activity is a crossover event with RPG hack and slasher, NieR: Automata and has been developed with famed developers, YOKO TARO and Yosuke Saito.

In other words, the FFXIV Nier raid has some pedigree behind it, and it offers the challenging gameplay to match. That said, if the challenge is too steep for you, check out the walkthrough below so you can nab yourself some lovely The Copied Factory loot.

How to unlock the FFXIV Nier raid

First, you have to be level 80 and have an item level of 435 to start the raid. You must have completed the Main Scenario of Shadowbringers and finished the unlock quests, which you can start by speaking to the Gossipy Dwarf in Kholusia (location 12.9,8.7). Once that’s complete, The Copied Factory will be available to enter from the Duty Finder.

Once in The Copied Factory, you and the 23 other members of the Alliance have 120 minutes to complete the raid and progress the story. There are six objectives in the raid and four bosses to overcome to complete the duty. So, here’s how to tackle them.

Loading into The Copied Factory spawns you into a derelict warehouse; there’s no time wasted in indulging in the iconic stylings of NieR: Automata. Following 2P will drop you down into a boss room where you will come across your first big adversary.

Boss 1: Serial-Jointed Command Model

This first encounter starts with a tank buster called Systematic Siege. The main tank should mitigate the damage, with all other players in front of the boss getting out the way. The next attack will be Clanging Blow, another tank buster your tank needs to soak up. As this is happening machines will circle the exterior of the arena and begin shooting balls of energy into the arena. If a ball hits a player, they will be damaged and gain a vulnerability debuff, so avoid these as much as possible.

Forceful Impact will hit the Alliance with a room-wide AoE that needs healing. Then the boss calls down a machine buddy who uses Energy Assault to blast the room with energy balls in a large cone. Move behind the direction of the conal attack to avoid as much damage as possible. Now additional machines join the fight and cast Systematic Targeting: this targets multiple players with a laser. Players targeted should aim this outside the arena to avoid others getting caught in the crossfire.

Centrifugal Spin is next: this casts a line of damage from behind and in front of the boss, so move to its side to avoid damage and a vulnerability debuff. From there, Systematic Airstrike lets loose machines that drop energy balls from above, causing damage and further vulnerability stacks. These machines follow a set path that appear on the arena floor, so respond accordingly.

(Image credit: Square Enix)

Systematic Suppression fires massive lasers that stagger in different sections of the arena. Move out the way of the first charge and then move to safety before the next batch fires. From here, prior mechanics begin to re-emerge, but more frequently. Also Energy Bombardment sees energy balls unleashed into the air to crash down into the arena, so avoid the telegraphed damage indicators.

Sidestriking Spin is similar to Centrifugal Spin, but it comes from the boss’ flanks. Systematic Airstrikes will pour down once again, only now the boss will also cast Shockwave. This forces players away from the boss and potentially into the line of fire from the airstrikes. Next the boss sends out energy calls in a circle around him: move out of the orange puddle for the first wave, then move into melee range to avoid the second and third wave. Then the boss rotates though previous mechanics until you take them down. With Warehouse A clear, it’s time to collect your loot and move onto the next objective.

Boss 2: Hobbs

Moving from Warehouse A to B requires a ride on a friendly pod with a lot of trash mobs inside. Destroy the stationary ones first while avoiding the energy balls and they shouldn’t be too aggravating. Follow the path through Warehouse B and into a large pipe that doubles as an exhilarating slide down to your next objective.

Your next opponent, Hobbs, is a massive mech that hangs from the centre of the room with three platforms surrounding it. It is on these platforms on which your team will split into thirds after descending the pipe. Each have slightly different mechanics to face, but there’s nothing much to worry about here. The first thing Hobbs throws your way is Laser-Resistance Test which sparks lasers through the whole room dealing party-wide damage—healers, you know what to do.

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(Image credit: Square Enix)

Above three platforms and the boss, three additional mechanics rotate around the room that require some quick thinking. Big Swords triggers a circular AoE as well as a couple of rotating cones that you’d do well to miss unless you fancy a physical vulnerability debuff. Flamethrower Wall shoots fire across the platform from behind you: move to a safe part of the platform to avoid damage and a burning damage-over-time debuff.

Big Claw drops a massive box into the middle of the platform from which you must make a beeline away: inside are exploding machines that target players that pass through the tether. Ideally each player takes one each and takes the damage as healers boost health. Equally a tank can take all the tethers. Ring Laser puts a ring of damage around the platform that slowly pulses into the middle. Keep moving out of the telegraphed locations to avoid harm.

Laser Sight necessitates that players stack on the targeted ally and absorb the blow. From there a mix of the platform and wall mechanics repeat along with some curveballs. If you keep doing what you’ve been doing Hobbs will be no more. Congratulations: you’ve passed quality control.

Boss 3: Engels

Jump down into the centre of the room to move onto Warehouse C. A Goliath Tank mini boss greets you with Energy Ring, which starts as a melee-range AoE before spreading out. Move accordingly to avoid all damage. Self-destructing machines also target you with suicidal strikes. Anyone with the tether must move away from others to avoid spreading unnecessary damage to others. The Goliath Tank will cast Laser Turret that blasts anybody in front of it. This repeats until the tank is sent packing.

A flight unit will then be hacked to take aim at your group. Its first attack is Area Bombing Maneuver which targets several players with a tether and fires missiles at the ground following the targeted players. If that’s not you, stay away from the line to avoid getting hit. Next is a 360-degree Bombing Maneuver which hits the whole room with light damage that healers should have no issues covering. Lightfast Blade covers the entire arena in front of the boss with a telegraphed puddle that hits anyone still in the way as the blade swings. Keep avoiding these attacks and contributing to the overall damage and the flight unit will depart. With that, it’s time to move onto the Forward Deck.

Progress forward and take another pod ride to reach the platform in front of the next boss. It’s the poster child for the machines: Engels. This Goliath-class machine is gargantuan, and it takes lots of concentration and awareness to overcome.

The first thing to avoid is Marx Smash, where Engels raises one of its arms and smashes it down on the battlefield. Move to the other side to miss out on damage and a vulnerability debuff. Precision Guided Missiles targets tanks with a powerful attack that requires tank mitigation. Incendiary Bombing targets certain players and drops AoE damage puddles on the floor from which all players should keep away.

(Image credit: Square Enix)

Then there’s Guided Missiles. This hits your party with homing projectiles, so keep out of their path as they come crashing down. Diffuse Laser fires myriad beams that cause damage to everyone in the arena—healers should be shielding or topping-up HP here. Marx Smash now does something a little different: if both arms are above Engels’ head, move to the front and middle of the arena. But if they’re spread apart, move to the edge of melee range and either side. Engels then charges Energy Barrage, a big laser in the middle of the arena you should evade.

Once this has finished, stand under the purple balls dropping from above in the indicated circles, otherwise you’ll endure huge damage which could mean game over. For a short time, some of the prior attacks will happen again until you can no longer target Engel and three adds will spawn. They are all Reverse-Jointed Goliaths, and they must be separated and taken down by each tank. The rest of the party should support in defeating them as well as the additional adds that spawn before Engels’ charge reaches 100.

All players should then stack in the middle of the arena, shielded from the incoming attack by healers. Then Engels disappears and puts a group-wide marker in the middle of the arena: everybody should move south and prepare for the attack. This pushes all players off the current platform and onto the one behind them. Anyone too close to the centre or north side won’t get forced far enough to reach the platform behind them and will fall to their untimely demise. Next on the list of Engels offensive attacks will be Marx Activation. This brings two robot arms with rotating blades to either side of the arena which players will need to avoid. These move from the front to the back of the platform. Casters may need to sacrifice uptime to avoid these.

Along with some previously-seen attacks, Surface Missile fires bombs from above. This attack will damage anyone standing in the telegraphed attack zones and inflict vulnerability debuffs. Look out for Incendiary Saturation Bombing, too, which covers one half of the arena with a puddle of damage that persists into the next cast of Marx Crush: this sees the big rotating blade arms come from each side of the arena. These need to be attacked and destroyed before they pinch the remaining safe space within the stage. Go back to focusing your attack on Engels and avoiding oncoming attacks.

Final boss: 9S-operated Walking Fortress

(Image credit: Square Enix)

Make your way up the path that has now revealed itself and follow it to the last area and final boss with the help of another pod. After a short cutscene, you’ll meet your ultimate adversary: YoRHa Android No.9 Type S. It’s not exactly the catchiest name, but there you go.

9S-operated Walking Fortress begins with Neutralization, a hard-hitting tank buster which your main tank will need to mitigate. Laser Saturation hits the entire Alliance, so healers need to be ready. Laser Turret also blasts damage from the front. Players will be the target of a large AoE damage markers, too, so move away from those to avoid the splash damage. Fore-Hind Cannons fire large cones of damage from the front and rear of the Boss, as does Dual-Flank Cannons from the sides. The next big hitter is Engage Marx Support which summons the massive arms of Engel above the arena. Some of the previous laser moves will be directed towards you again here, so keep clear.

9S then undocks his flight unit: follow the flight path highlighted on the arena floor and move away from these devastating, debuffing attacks. Anti-Personnel Missile is the next attack and highlights where they land on the floor. The cast of these isn’t instant, so evade the area previously highlighted until you see the missiles land. Engage Goliath Tank Support then drops two tanks from earlier in the raid onto the battlefield—these need to be destroyed as quickly as possible. 9S then hacks one of the tanks, so hide behind the other tanks to avoid the explosion once the hack is complete. As soon as that explosion subsides, run from the Tank you and your squad are hiding behind: that’ll explode shortly, too.

Continue plugging away against further attacks you’ll have encountered previously until Serial-jointed Service Models spawn. Here, tanks must pick up one each and the parties must burn them down before 9S can finish hacking. A shield then materialises in the middle of the arena towards which all players need move to avoid punishing damage. From here, multiple variations of previously-fought attacks will cycle. Keep focusing your damage on 9S, and after a few minutes you’ll have defeated the final boss. Roll for your rewards, commend fellow players and exit to continue the story. Congratulations, you’ve just completed the Copied Factory.

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